The folks over at Entrecard have been working hard! Lots of new features and policies have been rolled out lately, it would seem. One of the newest features is the Entrecard Market! If you’ve been an Entrecard member for some time now, you’ll remember there used to be a store where you could buy products and services like graphic design, but it closed.
Recently though, the Entrecard shop has returned as “Entrecard Market” – and now it’s easy and simple to create a listing. I decided to give it a whirl and see if I could create a listing (and maybe earn some exra credits while I was at it).
Essentially, all you have to do is this:
- Make sure you have an Entrecard account. If you haven’t signed up for it already, why haven’t you? You can get all sorts of free traffic for your blog or web site!
- Sign-in to Entrecard.
- Click on “Market” – one of the gold buttons at the top of the screen.
- You’ll be presented with a black box on the right hand side of the screen, click “Add a Listing”
- Fill out the form, upload the appropriate images, and you’re done!
I’ve listed a “Guest Interview” for the low, low price of just 1500 Entrecard credits. I’m not really interested in gaining a lot of credits, but I’ll gladly do the interview for anyone who is interested in making a Market purchase. Entrecard has an intro video also, check it out: