So I’ve neglected to write here for a while, primarily because I’ve been living life instead of blogging it (well, that’s not entirely true) – and partly because I have been experiencing a lot of stuff lately that I don’t want to post publically where just anyone can read it. I would do protected posts, but even then I just don’t think it’s a good idea.
Here’s the skinny on the world of Dave lately:
- My ex showed up to the Halloween Party at my friend’s house, and we talked and things went well. My date was a sexy pirate lady. Yay!
- I got a new car, which I posted about earlier, a Dodge Caliber (’08) in my favorite color: gunmetal black.
- I have a new roommate moving in soon, his name is Brad. He’s renting out the room the cat currently “lives” in.
- I went to the only football game of the year that really matters at the school I work at this past weekend, and rediscovered my fear of large crowds.
- I’ve instituted “Movie Night” and this weekend was a blast, watching “The Big Lebowski” and making Caucasians, and then watched some of Fifth Element and passed out sometime after “Corpse Bride.”
- Gave my grandmother away in her wedding last weekend, with a 97-year old man running the wedding, hilarity ensued.
- Met Mom’s boyfriend Chris the next day, and that was awkward as the wedding was the day before. Mom recently changed her Facebook relationship status to “in a relationship,” and I had the same sad feeling I had when she changed it to “Single” after Dad died. Mom said she and Chris have talked about every topic under the sun, so I asked if she’d discussed with him how many people she’d slept with in her lifetime. Also apparently my sister and I have been living under the incorrect impression of *who* she’s slept with. But she’s not a whore or anything, it’s not astronomical. I just wanted to call her out on having not talked about something with Chris yet.
- I’m almost done with my first grad school class, we’re on our last assignment this week and then after that it’s final exams and we’re done. Just 5 more classes to go after that, and I should be a Master of Project Management.
- New friends are fun – I’ve been hanging out with some of the student workers from work on weekends at Game Night and they’re pretty cool. Also, this girl Kristin whose ex brought her to game night a few times, she ended up coming on her own still after they broke up and we’ve been hanging out lately.
- Thanksgiving is this Thursday, I’m going home to Mom’s again and then Friday we’re supposed to go to the movies with her and Chris and his son Will.
That’s about it for now. I will try and keep this up to date more, I feel like I’ve let people down! Also, don’t forget that even though Friday is Black Friday (biggest shopping day of the year), Monday is “Cyber” Monday – when Dateline NBC captures more criminals than ever… I mean… it’s the biggest online sales day of the year!