When The Fast and the Furious came out several years ago, I thought how hilariously silly it all was, even if the action was terribly enjoyable. Face it, people love fast cars, big explosions, gun fights, and this series has all of that. Minus good acting. But hey, you don’t really go see movies like that with high expectations for plot.
The follow up films, 2 Fast 2 Furious, and The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, were both laughable sequels. However, it would seem we get Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, and the guy who played Han back for a fourth installment, titled confusingly Fast and Furious. I’m pretty sure this is because they were really close to just calling it More Faster and More Furiouser: The Day Grammar Sped Off into the Distance and Never Returned, or Really? We Keep Getting Paid to Make More of These? Well, Vin Diesel’s In this One, So You’ll Probably Go See It.
Here’s the first trailer released for the new movie: