Lots of people have collections for hobbies. Some people collect postage, some collect Troll Dolls, Beanie Babies, Pokemon (Because let’s face it, you really DO have to catch them all), Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff, human remains, you know, the usual. A neat hobbie I’ve seen people do is collecting rubber stamps. You remember these as a kid, you’d stamp them in a little ink pad and then stamp them on paper, and you’d have neat designs. I remember once in scouts we carved shapes into potatoes and used those as stamps.
Vista Print, the internet’s printing giant, has crazy deals every day on any of their basic offerings, usually free and you pay shipping for the first batch, and any more than that you still get a decent price. You also pay a little extra if you customize, but that’s not too steep either, compared to a brick-and-mortar print shop like your local Slinko’s.
Be sure and check out Vista Print’s Rubber Stamps, on sale now with a coupon code: Stamps50. That will get you 50% off all rubber stamps. They also sell Self Inking Stamps, which might be more useful for businesses that need to stamp their name, address, or other contact information on forms and invoices a lot.
Vista Print is a great place to go to get customized goods like business cards, signs, t-shirts, hats, stationary and anything else you can think of with your message, logo, or business name on it. Branding makes your business stand out and provides you with great schwag you can give away to promote your business. For a small business, this also makes you look more professional.