The latest installment of the newest Batman re-telling hits theaters this Friday, July 18th! Heath Ledger is being nominated for a posthumous Oscar for his performance as the Joker, Christian Bale is back as the new Batman, Michael Caine returns as Alfred, and Morgan Freeman makes his short appearance as Gadget Guy (I can’t be bothered with silly things like research).

Several viral marketing sites attempt to bring depth to the new movies, with sites like and letting visitors “in” to the Gotham City world.

I don’t know about any of you, but as excited as I was about the new Joker, I’m doubly excited about seeing Aaron Eckhardt as Harvey Dent, aka Two Face! Some photos are “leaked” around the internet of what he looks like post-accident, but I think they’re all photoshopped forgeries. If you pause the Hi-Def version of Trailer 4 on the scene with Harvey Dent holding a gun beside his face, you can see where he’s been burned around the edges, especially near his chin, and his suit is strikingly different on the side that’s barely visible.

My original impression was that we’d meet Harvey Dent in this film, and then see him turn into Two-Face later, but now it looks as though we may see a Two-Face by Friday’s new release!