This morning we got up, knowing that at just about any time, we could get a phone call saying dad had passed. Mom took me to McDonald’s and we had breakfast with Grandma. We went on to church, and had morning services at 8am. After services, I went on to Sunday School, but I was only there for about ten minutes.

Mom and grandma came to the door of the classroom and waved me on. I thought for sure dad had already passed, but they told me the nursing home called and wanted us to get over there quickly. We left church and went straight over, called my sister on the way there since she lives farther away.

We all got a chance to talk at him (he’s been unresponsive since at least Thursday) and I leaned over him and said “Alright old man, this is your last chance – do you want me to get you a stripper?” and he very distinguishably said “No” and shook his head slightly. I told him I loved him and was glad he was my dad, and that he was the best dad a guy could have asked for. I hugged him, and my sister showed up shortly after. She hugged on him and rubbed his head for a few minutes.

A nurse came in and checked him, and then while I was under the impression that he was being changed we left the room, and they called over the loud speaker for attention to that room, and then several people rushed in and out, and Mom called us in there. As soon as I saw him I broke down. You cannot, cannot prepare yourself for that kind of a blow.

Dad passed away and went on to be in Heaven with Jesus at 10:56 a.m. today, Sunday June 8th, 2008. He is whole-bodied, healthy, and walking and talking with Jesus now. I know it will hurt for some time, and I’ll miss him, but I can’t help but be happy for him that now he can truly rest and be at peace and not hurt anymore.

I know I should be grieving instead of blogging, but I know each person grieves / mourns differently. I have been crying off and on since this morning. This is how I am dealing with it. I’ve got to write Dad’s eulogy still, I’ll work on it today and tomorrow. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts during this time.