Bloggers UniteOn May 15th, 2008, bloggers from across the world will be participating in one of the largest collaborations of online publication for human rights violations. If you decide to join me, you can help by being a voice for those who don’t have a voice.

There are several main topics to choose from, primarily to keep everyone on the same topics so the impact is greater – such as Darfur, Shi Tao in China and Yahoo!’s part in his being seized by the Chinese government, the illegal detentions at Guantanamo Bay, and more.

Blogs are indexed by search engines, feed readers, and other programs of interest. That means when thousands of bloggers write on the same topic, especially in a relatively short period of time, like one day, it gets noticed.

Join Bloggers Unite now, and on May 15th blog for Human Rights violations world-wide!