Hey everybody, I just wanted to take a moment to point out a new page on the site, a link to the right detailing some information about advertising on my blog or sponsoring a post. The Raging Tech currently has several sponsors for posts, but is now offering banner ad space on the right.
Right now, for $35 USD, you can have your banner ad appear on the sidebar to the right (where the Raging Tech ad is now) for an entire week as the only banner ad on the site. That’s right. For just thirty-five bucks, you can have complete exclusivity on this blog for an entire week.
If you don’t already have a tower banner ad, I am in contract with a graphic designer who can make something awesome for you to use for a negotiated price.
For just $15 (for 50 words), I will give your site or business or product a review here, or let you sponsor a blog post on a topic of your choice, and you can get exposure to a group of really cool readers. Click here for more information on advertising with the Raging Tech.
SPECIAL: The first 4 advertisers / sponsors to sign up will receive a special promotional Buy 1 Get 1 Free deal on whichever type of advertising is purchased upon receipt of payment.
I.E., buy a banner ad for a week, get an extra week free, sponsor a post, get an extra post free. Schedule of free post or ad to be settled on between advertiser and The Raging Tech on an individual basis.