Today I applied for grad school at the university I work for, and called some people to provide letters of recommendation. I also had to update my resume to submit alongside my application. It’s going to cost $40 to apply to this school. I’m applying to the Project Management program for distance learners (read: online courses).

I am very seriously considering purchasing a house that is currently on the market from some friends of mine that live about 20 minutes from here. It’s a 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a deck, porch, and spacious parking. The yard isn’t that big, but wouldn’t be too hard to get a dog or cat eventually. I have a meeting on Wednesday with the bank to talk about whether or not I can afford that kind of a mortgage.

I stole a book called Rules for Renegades: How to Make More Money, Rock Your Career, and Revel in Your Individuality from my boss’ bookshelf in her office. I’m going to try and read it tonight and maybe the next couple of days.

My coworker just accepted a job in another area of our department at work. With one position recently vacated already, that means that in two weeks the help desk team will consist entirely of myself and the hourly employee. I will try to have a good attitude at work and keep my spirits high, because I know that will reflect on me in the future. Also, since the coworker who is leaving was the team lead, that pretty much gives me a field promotion for the time being.

The future looks interesting, to say the least. My life the way I know it now may not look the same at all in just a few months. Life certainly has it’s twists and turns, that’s what makes it all worthwhile.