According to an article posted to Digg, Fox news reports the US Navy is testing a high-powered futuristic rail-gun weapon that can fire a projectile at speeds up to Mach 5! Of course, the language chosen, “railgun,” seems to be carefully chosen to accurately describe the weapon, but also incites some sci-fi and video game…
Get a Grip on Your Website Statistics
Not every one of us are fortunate enough or have the technological aptitude to be able to run a sophisticated web statistics powerhouse to generate prolific reports on the usage of our web site by our site visitors. If you aren’t into Feedburner or Google Analytics, or maybe your site doesn’t allow you to modify…
The Road to Not-Sickville
I’ve been sick with a head cold since the night before my birthday last week, but I think it’s subsiding. I feel less and less like death every day. But apparently my cold hopped hosts and has taken out half my team at work. Even with major system malfunctions, smart planning and some intervention by…