I know. Real mature, right? Well, bite me. I’m not in a mature mood this morning. I got to sleep some last night, which was nice. It’s hard to choose between sleep and hanging out and having fun, sometimes. But eventually, your body will take over and demand that you sleep.
So, thank goodness for Fridays. We have a weekly meeting this morning, then some “project time,” and then lunch and phone duty. But the end of work today is not the main thing I’m looking forward to tonight. Fridays are pretty much always “game night” with me and my friends. Even cooler – the girl I’m dating is in that group of friends, so I get to see her and have our usual Friday night festivities.
Anyway, everyone have a good Friday and keep checking back here for more posts today! Remember, some people call Friday POETS day. Why? It stands for Piss on Everything, Tomorrow’s Saturday. Just FYI. I’m not saying anything but relating to you a fun fact. A little FF.