I’ve mentioned before that my day job is at one of the University of North Carolina schools as a Help Desk Analyst. Working on a college campus is fun and at times has it’s advantages. For one thing, a lot of the university’s resources (such as the library and media labs) are available to faculty and staff. I also get to work about 45 seconds from the house I rent.

I’ve noticed that greek life is pretty big on most college campuses that allow such organizations to exist. If you’re a parent, sibling, friend or co-worker of someone in one such organization as this, you might consider getting them something with their group’s letters on it for a present! Be it birthday, Christmas, or the looming approach of Valentine’s Day – something with their letters on it will certainly do the trick.

GreekforMe.com has Greek Gear, Greek Clothing, and Greek Apparel for that special Greek-affiliated person in your life. Their site is laid out such that you can choose the organization from a navigation menu on the left, and then see all the merchandise available with that group’s letters or logo on it. As many t-shirts, purses, book sacks, and other items as I see on campus, I’m sure any college student will appreciate it.