This past weekend sure was a cold one! At my house, we have a baseboard heating system that runs on water heated by a furnace outside our house. Our landlord kept reminding us to fill the heater with fuel, and we did before it got as cold as it did this week.
Unfortunately, whoever put the system together or repaired it last time it broke on the previous renters, did a suck job trying to solder the coupling on two of the main pipes.
Because of the cold, the coupling burst the solder and the two pipes separated with water bleeding out of the system. As a result, some other pipe built up some pressure and burst. We had to explain all this to our less than great land lord (he’s part of that “Good Ol’ Boy Network” as I like to call it) who thought we had let it go empty.
Once he came out to see it, he stopped the water from pouring out of the system and then said he’d have a repair guy out to fix the shoddy job the last guy did. He also said he’d be ripping out our current system this spring and putting in electric heat, because it’s so much cheaper and less to worry about. Hooray!
However, it’s still currently so much warmer at work, I’d rather be here than at home.