Apple LogoHello there, sports fans! If your head hasn’t been under a rock or you own a TV, you’ve either been converted to the cult of Apple, or been watching the company with enthralled anticipation.

Since the age of iPod came upon us, Apple has been blowing up the scene with newer, hotter desktops and portables than almost any other company. There are flame wars upon flame wars about the specs of certain manufacturer’s Windows PCs being better – but bar none, Apple is a software-hardware synergy dynamo with no sign of stopping anytime soon.

Today at Noon (12pm Eastern Standard Time), Steve Jobs will give Apple’s MacWorld Expo keynote address. Rumors abound everywhere, but every year we get a treat with new software to play with, or a new line of iPod, or major OS upgrades, or announcements of new partnerships that bring cool stuff to us Mac users.

Who knows exactly what to expect today? I’m going to be tuning in at Apple’s website, and then after the keynote is over I’ll go ahead and post here later this afternoon with the major points of interest, so come back!