With staggering holiday sales numbers, Blu-Ray is really leaving HD-DVD in the dust. It also helps that Sony’s Playstation 3 has the capability to play Blu-Ray discs out of the box, while Microsoft’s own HD-DVD attachment for the X-Box 360 comes separately. While the price difference with the add-on makes it as expensive as the PS3, it’s less convenient unless you buy both at the same time.

On the other side of the fence, there’s still a lot of people who have yet to upgrade their TVs because “what I’ve got is just fine.” I feel like this will continue beyond the 2009 mandatory switch-over to digital television due to numbers of people who get television from their cable or satellite company. However, those of you receiving over-the-air television broadcasts will be left in the dark unless you purchase either a new TV or a digital television adapter.
