It’s Christmas eve, and yes, I’m blogging instead of spending time with family. It’s not because I’m a bah humbug or any of that. This is how my family spends time together over holidays. We have our times when we hang out and talk, and then of course, we have our down time.
I bought World of Warcraft’s Battle Chest at Wal-mart on Saturday, and it’s been updating just about ever since. Well, maybe not really, but I had to play with the router settings at my parents’ house to get the updater to work right. It downloaded to 99% and got stuck last night. I must have passed out while it was downloading. I woke up and had to restart it and now it’s done. It’s waiting, calling to me. Play me, Dave! Play World of Warcraft! So maybe I’ll do that in a little while.
The Raging Tech will be out of the office for Christmas Day, spending time with relatives and playing with his shiny new toys, but I totally plan to be back on Wednesday. Incidentally, I broke my cell phone on accident – my business card holder poked into it when I either fell or leaned against it and busted the inner LCD screen. Thankfully, I had purchased my phone insurance every month, and I got $50 for Christmas from my Grandma already, so that covers the deductible. According to Asurion, I should have a new phone on Wednesday. Not too shabby.