My three-day mission: to explore and claim as much space as I can… in my room. I have re-arranged several pieces of furniture and reclaimed over half my floor space in my bedroom at home. That, of course, left an inordinate amount of junk on my floor. I sorted out most of what could be thrown away. Then I threw the rest in the top of the closet. Does this sound like your organization style? I thought so.

I’m doing all of this because I really want to be able to put in the full-size bed I’m getting for Christmas. My grandma is getting rid of it so that she can go buy a new one. Apparently though, this one’s really nice and has a headboard and everything. I’m kind of excited about not sleeping like a college student up on top of a loft anymore. So, the last steps in getting ready for this new piece of furniture will be cleaning out the stuff I’ve been storing underneath the loft, and then deconstructing the loft itself. I really don’t know where I’m going to put the leftover wood. I’ve been thinking about building a storage rack or workbench for computer repairs, but I’m not that handy so I’ll have to find some plans that will work with the wood I’ve got.