I was pleasantly surprised to load up ABT’s website in my browser and immediately notice the “fresh and clean” feeling of a well-designed web page. You can tell it was not thrown together in haste, and is professional to a tee.
The claim to being the new “Electronics Mecca” is most definitely not an understatement. They carry almost every brand under the sun in consumer electronics – Apple, Sony, Samsung – all the heavy contenders for major products and their accessories.
I really wish I had known about this web site before I did my Christmas shopping this year – on the other hand, I might have spent all my Christmas money on myself! I browsed around the site, mostly in the GPS section and MP3 DVD players, looking at prices, and nearly everything is on sale. Some prices are so low you have to add them to your cart to see the price. There’s even free shipping on orders under 50 pounds, Apple, Yamaha, Bose, Denon, and Canton products, and all bigscreen TVs! If you happen to live within their delivery areas, it could even be delivered by an ABT installation professional.