You know what’s fun? Lying. It’s totally a sin and I understand that, but lots of sins are fun. I don’t think I even need to elaborate more on that.

Sometimes, when I meet new people, I like to shock them immediately with some sort of horrendous lie. Depending on whether or not I might need something from this person in the future, I may make it completely unbelievable so they’ll realize I’m kidding and laugh it off. Then I don’t laugh with them and they get worried.

If it’s believable enough, I might even roll with it and start adding in more “facts” to back up my lie. I keep it vague enough that I don’t get caught up in my lie. If it seems like it matters, I might go ahead and let them in on the fact that it’s not true. If not, I may just go on ahead and let them believe it.

This may seem like psychologically disturbed behavior, but you have to understand that my mind is increasingly bored at every interval. I crave multitasking, entertainment, and distraction. I was always the type that I needed distraction to concentrate on getting anything done.

When I was a kid and my mom would make me clean my room, I’d end up digging up something I hadn’t played with for a while from under my bed (probably from the last time I “cleaned”) and would end up playing with it for a half-hour before she’d come in and remind me to get back to work.

There was an article a while back about how IT professionals seem more ADD when they’re not in front of a computer because they’re so used to multi-tasking that regular life seems sort of slow and simple-paced. I would almost agree – usually even when I’m stressed it’s only over one or two things and everything else is mostly inconsequential.

So, maybe I ‘m ADD/ADHD, or maybe I’m just a geek.