Anyone, everyone who reads this:

My grandmother has breast cancer. She just found out yesterday. It hasn’t metastasized to anywhere else in her body, so she should be okay. She has opted to have the breast removed rather than go through chemotherapy.

The doctors say that removing it entirely should eliminate the cancer completely. I am slightly concerned that she made the decision so quickly, but I know my grandma has a good head on her shoulders.

It’s been cool how she’s been hanging out with my mom and going to mom’s church lately. I got to go to church with my grandma for regular services for the first time I can remember over Thanksgiving weekend.

I’ve been spending a lot of time on the web lately, trying to find extra ways to earn money and drum up customers for my business. Send people to my website, if you know they need some computer help!

The weather in Fayetteville was CRAZY. One day it was too hot, and I felt like I had inadequately packed for the weekend, and the next day it was freezing cold! I also got a flat tire over the weekend. I went to Wal-mart to get it fixed, but they wouldn’t repair it that close to the sidewall. I went to Ed’s Tire, and they sent me to Show & Pro for the same reason. I got to Show & Pro, and they were closed until Monday. So Monday morning I woke up early and got my tire fixed for around $15, and then went home and packed up and drove back to Cullowhee.

Today was mostly crazy at work. A lot of systems were down at once yesterday, and today some residual problems seemed to linger, such as one of the e-mail servers not responding to most people. Apparently it was some sort of a disk space issue.
