I return triumphantly to the world of blogging after YATMH (Yet Another Two-Month Hiatus™)! Not to be confused with YTMND (You’re The Man Now, Dawg).

Is anybody else as annoyed as I am by the commercial with the mom and the daughter talking about the cell phone bill and the girl speaks entirely in text-messaging acronyms with subtitles on the screen, and the mom understands? And how about that super-annoying starburst commercial with the man dressed up like an english boy singing “Berries and cream! Berries and cream! I’m a little lad who loves berries and cream!” If that doesn’t make you want to stab the commercial creator in the neck, I don’t know what would.

So, I guess it’s time for updates, briefly:

  • I got the job at the ITS Help Desk. I am now officially a full-time, permanent employee of the UNC school system.
  • That being said, I also escaped the dreaded repair shop and all it’s craptacular-ness.
  • Also in the world of amazingly good things to happen in my life, I am dating Laura, a wonderful woman I met in college.
  • In exactly 9 days from now, I’ll be on my way to Hilton Head Island for a wonderful weekend getaway. Commence your jealousy.
  • My new job requires me to obtain two certifications from Microsoft by June 30th. Hitting the study books hard.