
On September 10th, 2001, it was a Monday night. I was at Campus Rock, the campus ministry I used to attend. There was a scripture verse, in Hebrews 12, about receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken. We watched a video clip, about a kid who was in a building that was nearly destroyed by…

Shameless Plug of the Week: Snakes on a Plane

If you haven’t seen Snakes on a Plane, you don’t know what you’re missing: (No, not really.) But man, the real movie is almost as funny. Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with, nor are we officially sponsored by, Snakes on a Plane. But I mean come on, Snakes aren’t supposed to be on a plane.…

Glitterati: Mystique uses a Mac

From the ever-so-credible land of MySpace, one Apple tech support phone operator blogs (albeit ever-so-briefly) that he got a call yesterday from Rebecca, and the caller ID said “John Stamos.” “so the other day I’m answering phone calls all day like I do every day here at Apple, and low and behold, I had my…

Download This!: Firestarter FX

I’m a recent switcher, having begun to find there’s just about everything I need on a mac that I could ever need on a PC. Now this post isn’t intended to start a flame war, or to bash PC’s. In fact, the other night, I was seriously not feeling the love from my Mac Mini.…