You are here. You like G-mail. You like You wish you’d thought of it for your own domain name. You wish you had a cool e-mail address in the form of, because it would look extremely awkward on a business card. None of your enemies can spell “obscenely” correctly, so you’d drastically reduce your hate mail.

Obscene G-mail!

Fret no more, friends (or foes), for Obscene G-mail has arrived! Yours Truly was invited to beta test G-mail for Domains, a service which allows me to create e-mail addresses that can be used with the G-mail interface! Imagine all your mail suddenly becomes searchable with the Google search technologies (not publicly, of course) – you can have Google Talk for your domain, AND it’s independently hosted by Google and each account still gets 2 gb of storage space! Feel free to faint now.

Obscene G-mail 2
For a limited time (or maybe not!), anybody who wants an e-mail address from simply needs to send an e-mail to with your requested account name, and I will e-mail you your new account details. You’ll have to change your password immediately after you login, so have a good password picked out ahead of time.

You’re welcome.