Today’s my BIRTHDAY! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO! Rock the heck on.

When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it happened or not. Mark Twain

This past weekend was fun. Mom and Sis came up from North Carolina to visit for the weekend. On Friday, we stayed in after some shopping and I made spaghetti. Lisa came over, too. After some lively dinnertime conversation, I got the traditional “Happy Birthday” song that no one sings in restaurants anymore, and a lovely chocolate-iced chocolate cake. What did I wish for as I blew out the candles? I’m not telling; I want this one to come true.

Weekend highlights included: watching Flightplan with Lisa and my fam, riding the trolley around Fredericksburg, Civil War Life Museum, Pancho Villa after church on Sunday, teaching Sunday school on Sunday morning with my family there, ice cream from Cold Stone, and getting to see my family in general.

I worked last night, and this morning I went to get my brakes fixed on my car. Phil is coming over later to play some video games and we have a Campus Rock staff meeting this evening at his place.

I had an overwhelming response from my Facebook friends and my MySpace friends wishing me a happy 23rd year on this Earth. You guys rock, incredible amounts. Of course, when I mention the two groups, most of them are the same people: high school, hometown, and college friends.

As you guys are doing your last-minute presents and gift baskets, I just want you to know this one very important thing: I think belated gifts and cards are perfectly acceptable.