The Seahawks lost. I was mad. I’m glad I didn’t bet money on them though.
God’s definitely blessing me lately. He always does, but it’s one of those times when I notice it just a little bit more. I’ve been going through some hard things lately. It’s rough growing up, taking care of yourself. A lot of my readers know that already. A lot of my readers are just learning it, like me.
A quick rant though: I hope if you’re out there and you’re past age 30 and you’re still acting like you’re in the terrible twos out in public, there’s something wrong. Please seek therapy. Just because no one has ever forced you to follow the rules, it doesn’t mean you can suddenly throw a tantrum because someone enforced them. I play by the rules, and if you’re nice to me and don’t act like a jerk, I occasionally will bend them to make things easier on you. If you’ve already sought therapy, maybe it’s time you started looking at malpractice lawyers.
This is the view outside my door today: